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General informations

Applefields is a high fantasy kind of world; when crossing the portal you'll find yourself in the main town which is majoritarily a human settlement. In the center of town you will find an inn and a merchant's guild, filled to the brim with goods they trade all over the land. You may also see a beautiful castle where the current King of the humans live. Just on the outskirts of town is the magic academy where young people may go to learn magic.


After passing by a few dwellings you will find hills, where halfings burrows themselves in cozy little houses. It feels more like a small village by itself along the road, though it also looks like suburbs in a way.


Following the one main road that crosses the country you will find a forest, and not too deep inside it the start of an elven settlement; high in the air, warping around the trees, at its center a most gorgeous palace where a queen lives.


Going further down the road in the forest you will stumble upon a tall mountain; at its feet lays a gorgeous city of dwarves, carved out of the stone and going deep in mines. You may reach caves from there, though they are said to be inhabited by evil creatures who lurk in the shadows.


While mostly peaceful, it is fairly common for people to find bandits, dragons, orcs, goblins, and other people or creature ready to attack you for coin- or food, which caused a real boom in adventuring parties. Everyone can try their luck at being a hero- and many certainly try.

History & Government

A long time ago the world came into existence; people aren't sure how it happened. What they do know is that the dragons laid waste to the land, fighting over it to plunder its treasures and being led by the strongest of them all. Humans, Elves, Dwarves and halflings were enslaved to the dragons, forced to provide them with food and goods in the hopes of surviving. 


Around a century ago, the species came together and devised a plan; they would send the strongest of their communities to train and hopefully form a strong enough team to take down the dragon's leader, in the hopes it would strike fear in the heart of the other dragons and save them from this sorry state of living.


After a few years of training, the new heroic adventuring team succeeded, and proceeded to found the country as it is today; each species has their own little corner of the world to rule over but is otherwise linked together in an enduring friendship. Victory over the strongest dragon created an unintended golden age for adventuring, as dragon hunting became a rather common occurence for heroes, as well as pushing back lower creatures such as orcs and goblins.


While each species has their own dedicated community, it isn't rare for them to mingle; each place is ruled differently, as set up by the species themselves. Humans decided to go for a more feodal model, where a King rules over lords who rule over peasants. The peasants pay taxes for a right to work on the lord's lands, in exchange of what knights will protect them.


The halflings have a council who decide everything via votes; everyone is considered equal and shares fairly nicely, though more successful halflings tend to have more than poorer ones. The community works together to provide to the people with little, allowing everyone a decent lifestyle.

The dwarves elect a leader every few years, and discuss things amongst an assembly, but otherwise everyone is out for themselves. While they do have a strong sense of community as well, they also find it hard to share their wealth; the government barely covers for poorer dwarves who may need help.

Finally the elves have another monarchy, though everyone is rather happy to let the queen and her small council decide for them and there is little strife as it is led in as fair a way as possible. Most things are communal and shared as they do not really believe in the concept of personal property.


The head of these governments often come together to discuss country wide issues, leading to a fairly well run land.


Dragons are considered to be vile monsters, despite them showing how cunning they were; they are sentient and nothing as primitive as people believe, but still are treated as a threat to eliminate. They cannot be roleplayed as.


Elves, Humans, Halflings and Dwarves are considered to be on the same level and treat each others fairly; they have control over the land and tend to define the biting order in the world so to say.


Orcs and Goblins are closer to animals than anything, and while they live in semi-organised settlements, they are considered more as a pest- similar to bears or wolves, than anything else. They cannot be roleplayed as.

Mages have special statuses and are often well respected as sages who work for the betterment of the world, as well as seen as a little scary since they often master ways to alter reality itself. They attend a magic college in the human town, and can specialise in any kind of elemental magic or similar fields; light, fire, air, water, earth, plant based magic, healing,necromancy (forbidden art),illusion, invocation, divination...

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