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General informations

Floìsekos is a world set in the roaring twenties with a twist; the population is entirely made of vampires and werewolves. Upon crossing its portal, you will arrive in front of a grand, gorgeous looking townhall where officials take care of business.The police station right next to it is suspiciously busy, which may hint at trouble in the town. Its many streets sport the latest technology with useful phonebooths, and you can easily reach a diner by walking along them.


The further away from the town's center you get, the shadier it becomes; if you strain your ears you may hear hushed voice mention a speakeasy or two, as your feet let you stumble upon a recently disturbed manhole; the sewers see more use here than anywhere else, and if you were to try and explore them you might find yourself in the blood and moon den, where people in need come to get a quick fix.


Were you unlucky enough to walk near an abandonned warehouse, you'd soon see thugs come your way and usher you away; if you persist long enough you may eventually wander in a clandestine distillery, but it'd be unlikely you coud continue your stroll. There's rumors some of the houses and hotels in the outskirts of town host gangs, but as someone just slipped me a nice bribe, I won't be giving you anymore details on that.

History & Government

Vampires and werewolves lived separately for years; however upon realising cooperation would lead to better chances of survival, they came together and founded the city of Floìsekos. As werewolves gave their blood and vampires helped them stay in control during full moon, their civilisation strived.

However, this sense of community was somewhat lost as the city became bigger and bigger; soon the government itself decided to regulate everything, leading to vampires feeling slighted the amount of blood they were allocated dwindled, while werewolves felt like prisoners in their own land. After the government saw alcohol as an enemy of productivity and proclaimed a prohibition, assuming removing what could be seen as a power enhanced would make everyone more equal and willing to work together again, small time criminal saw an opportunity to flourish.

Soon bootlegging was an entire business; alcohol was now sold illegally for huge prices, and with money came bribes and corruptions. Currently two gangs are locked in a war over who will win the town over; a vampire coven and a werewolf pack fight in the streets while providing entertainment, booze, illegally aquired wolf blood and moonstones to the civilians who wish to have a little bit of fun in this rather stern world.


While an elected government is officially in charge and prohibition officers keep on raiding various speakeasy, everyone knows the true leaders of the city are the gang leaders.


Vampires and Werewolves are considered equal, despite a sort of rivality between the two; while they officially are the same, many think the other species is somewhat beneath them. Both species can get a kick out of alcohol, which amplifies their abilities; similarly, extra blood and moonstones make them especially strong despite making them feel a little silly.

While the majority are working class civilians, you do have an elite amongst both sides, and two rival gangs. 
As these are the only two species in their world, it has never occured to them before they could turn someone- and therefore it never has been tried nor is it believed to be a possibility.

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